Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bush Leaves - World Impulse Launches

George Bush is gone, and Pop Impulse readers have been enduring entirely too many political rants of late, due to an overpowering preoccupation with national and international affairs. In the interest of reserving Pop Impulse for music, travel and popular culture, The Author has launched World Impulse, the second member of the Pop Impulse family of blogs. So in a sense, the digital empire expands - if ever so modestly.

The latest post on World Impulse is an entire op-ed that ran today in Turkey's Today's Zaman. Formatted as a "letter to Mr. Bush," the piece is brilliant, the most appropriate farewell to G.W. Bush I've yet encountered. Penned by a Turkish professor, the piece gives readers the additional benefit of a moderate Muslim point of view. Altogether worthy reading. Read the original op-ed here.

Technorati Tags: George Bush, World Impulse, Farewell

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