Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sa Dingding - Chinese Diva

26 year-old Sa Dingding is big. She's the newest musical phenom to come out of China. A real Diva. Half Mongol and half Chinese, the young beauty sings in Mandarin, Tibetan, Sanskrit (that's right) and the almost extinct Lagu language. She's also a multi-instrumentalist, trained by Chinese musical masters.

A recent recipient of the prestigious BBC World Music Award, Sa Dingding combines Chinese folk music and Tibetan chants with Western electronica over a strong rhythmic beat. Her clear and pure voice is innocent AND intense. Asian vocalists can sound a little nasal to the Western ear, but the purity and tonal qualities of Sa Dingding's well-trained voice are very pleasing.

I first heard Sa Dingding on IPR's radio program, The World. Here is the story that caught my attention. Check her out in the video below.

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