Monday, January 5, 2015

Assholes on Demand - What a Great Idea

Totally stoked to report that the former GM of Reddit, no less, has just unveiled what may be the best idea ever: Assholes on Demand. Uh-huh, that's right.

You can now hand-off that nasty multi-national corporation that's been harassing or ignoring you to a volunteer who will be a TOTAL ASSHOLE on your behalf. Especially if you're a senior (but if not, don't let that stop you). What a wonderful notion.

This could be HUGE. At least, I certainly hope it will be. Given the street cred of the founder, and the focus of the service provided through the new site, I really think this laudable and meritorious effort may succeed.

#Bullying #CorporateGreed #ConsumerRights #GreatIdeas #IHopeThisOneWorks

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