Monday, August 27, 2007

Really Take Back America

It is a great pleasure to announce the launch of my colleague Jeff Golden's new blog, Really Take Back America. Jeff recently contributed three fine reports to this blog on the happenings at 2007's Yearly Kos convention in Chicago. You can read them here, here and here.

And now, after a state-wide journey exploring a race for the U.S. Senate (which he declined to make), Jeff's joined the progressive blogosphere with a very stimulating new site. A former host of Jefferson Public Radio's Jefferson Exchange and published author, Jeff's writing is conversational, engaging and populist. He's an easy and pleasurable read. So head on by his blog and leave him a comment. You won't be sorry (unless you happen to be a wingnut).

If you like what you read, check out Jeff's latest non-fiction work: "As if We Were Grownups," at Amazon.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Yo-duh--
Thanks for the warm welcome to blogville, and your encouragement to make it happen. One indication of the high quality thinking at my blog., is that it has the good taste to list popimpulse as a favorite link. Thanks for what you do here.
Two small quibbles: the book you generously mention is actually title "As If We Were Grownups" ( And it's non fiction.
Blog on, my creative friend. J

Charlie McHenry said...

Quibbles duly noted, changes made, props appreciated. - Yo-duh